
A Spider Robot That Can Make a Nest

A Spider Robot That Can Make a Nest

A Spider Robot That Can Make a Nest – The spider is an arthropoda with two segments of body, four pairs of legs, no wings, and no mouths of teeth. All kinds of spiders are classified within the order of araneae; And together with scorpions, ketchens, mites all eight legged brought into the arachnids. Spiders are predators, even sometimes cannibals. Their main prey is insects. Most of the spiders, with the exceptions of about 150 species of uloboridae and holarchaeidae, and subordo mesothelae, were able to inject through their pair of fangs to an enemy or its prey. Even so, of the tens of thousands of species that exist, only about 200 could pose a danger to humans. Slightly different, hunter spiders are usually more active. This spidery finds its way through trees, through grass, or over stony wall surfaces to locate its prey. This spider can chase and jump to overtake its prey. Not all spiders net for prey, but they are all capable of silk thread the thin yet strong strands of protein of a gland located on the back of the body. The silk fiber has proved invaluable in helping spiders move, swaying from place to place, trapping prey, laying eggs, guarding nests, and so on. –

iRobot and Terminator, some of you must have seen those two Hollywood films. Two movies that depict the role of a robot in a human life. This may be true in the future, having many machines and robots that are created to help and mitigate human work. Recently experts and researchers at MIT media lab have built a single robot with the ability to support and create cobwebs. Roboticspider or these spider robots can form plaques that look like real spiderwebs. The designers used the nylon cord to replace the original spider thread. For more information about specification robot can visit this link https://multibet88.online one of the support site.

A Spider Robot That Can Make a Nest

According to one of the US media reports, the robot was placed in an aluminum cage with every side of ita hook to link the nylon. The nylon sequence assembled very neatly as a genuine spider’s nest. These spidery robots have been programmed to automatically use each hook to connect nylon thread coming out of the box at the end of the robot. Elizabeth tsai, MIT research assistant, said “these robots are designed to be self supporting and manual for every hook. Once accepted, the robot will release every nylon that’s inside every open box. According to one of the USA media, these developers’ robots still have not determined the main objective of their robots.

Mengintegrasikan Robot Pintar ke Dalam Masyarakat

Mengintegrasikan Robot Pintar ke Dalam Masyarakat

Mengintegrasikan Robot Pintar ke Dalam Masyarakat – Haruskah kita memiliki hukum khusus untuk mengatur robot? Pertanyaannya belum diperdebatkan di parlemen dan kolom surat kabar, tetapi robot yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan menjadi sangat cerdik dalam belajar berinteraksi seperti manusia sehingga hanya masalah waktu.

Mengintegrasikan Robot Pintar ke Dalam Masyarakat

mechanicalspider – Haruskah kita memiliki hukum khusus untuk mengatur robot? Pertanyaannya belum diperdebatkan di parlemen dan kolom surat kabar, tetapi robot yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan menjadi sangat cerdik dalam belajar berinteraksi seperti manusia sehingga hanya masalah waktu.

Baca Juga : Teknologi “Necrobotics” Menggunakan Bangkai Spider Sebagai Penggenggam Robot

Penelitian saat ini tentang robotika dan kecerdasan buatan sedang mengembangkan mesin baru yang tidak hanya melakukan tugas-tugas yang berulang atau biasa, tetapi belajar dengan meniru dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang, bekerja sama sebagai mitra.

Sistem ini dirancang untuk belajar dan beradaptasi dengan keadaan yang berubah, berinteraksi dengan orang-orang dengan cara yang sesuai secara sosial dengan menafsirkan kebutuhan dan niat manusia.

Artinya masyarakat semakin membutuhkan aturan etika yang mengatur robot, seperti yang dikemukakan oleh penulis sains Isaac Asimov pada tahun 1942 dalam Runaround , sebuah cerita pendek yang menjadi bagian dari inspirasi untuk film tahun 2004 I, Robot, yang dibintangi oleh Will Smith.

Asimov mengusulkan agar robot mematuhi semua perintah yang diberikan oleh manusia dan menjaga dirinya sendiri selama tidak membahayakan manusia.

Namun, dalam praktiknya, hubungan antara robot dan manusia muncul sebagai hubungan yang jauh lebih halus, dengan robot sering dirancang untuk mengambil peran sebagai pemberi perawatan di masyarakat, mengawasi orang tua yang terisolasi, atau mendorong anak-anak yang sakit untuk minum obat. tepat waktu.

Robot-robot ini jauh berbeda dari mesin lini produksi yang biasanya terkait dengan robotika, dan dirancang untuk berinteraksi dengan manusia dan beroperasi dengan aman di antara mereka. Beberapa robot yang sekarang sedang dikembangkan dapat belajar dengan mengamati orang dan terus meningkatkan keterampilan mereka; yang lain menguasai interaksi manusia dalam waktu yang lama. Ketika mereka berkembang, sistem seperti itu akan memainkan peran yang semakin penting dalam masyarakat.

Salah satu contohnya adalah proyek HUMANOBS yang didanai Uni Eropa, yang melihat bagaimana robot dapat belajar berinteraksi dalam lingkungan yang kompleks dengan mengamati perilaku manusia. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem yang dapat mereplikasi aspek yang berguna dan fungsional dari kecerdasan manusia dan secara efektif memahami kompleksitas dunia nyata.

‘Apa yang ingin kami capai adalah beberapa fitur yang sangat kuat dari kecerdasan manusia, tetapi kami tidak tertarik untuk mereplikasi semua nuansa psikologi manusia,’ kata Profesor Kristinn Thorisson, koordinator HUMANOBS dan profesor ilmu komputer di Universitas Reykjavik di Islandia.

Dengan menonton manusia dalam wawancara televisi, sistem, yang diwakili oleh karakter atau avatar yang dihasilkan komputer, belajar menjadi pewawancara atau orang yang diwawancarai mengajukan pertanyaan atau memberikan jawaban dengan gerakan kepala yang terkoordinasi, ucapan, dan manipulasi tangan terhadap objek.

‘Kecerdasan buatan kami dapat mempelajari tugas-tugas yang sangat kompleks,’ kata Prof. Thorisson. ‘Dan tidak ada sesi pelatihan khusus selalu belajar, sehingga kualitas dari apa yang dipelajari terus meningkat.’

Penelitian semacam itu memberikan dasar untuk mengembangkan sistem yang sangat mudah beradaptasi, yang berarti bahwa pembuat robot dapat mengembangkan perangkat generik, sehingga menurunkan biaya.

‘Kemungkinannya adalah membuat robot yang pada waktu desainnya tidak tahu apakah akan mendarat di Mars atau pergi ke Amazon. Di situlah proses ini menuju, jenis adaptasi ekstrim yang mungkin diperlukan dalam beberapa tugas,’ kata Prof. Thorisson.

Teman robot

Beberapa proyek lain yang didukung UE ditujukan untuk mengintegrasikan robot ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan meningkatkan interaksi manusia robot.

‘Kami menginginkan interaksi yang lebih alami antara robot dan manusia,’ kata Dr Radu Horaud, koordinator HUMAVIPS, sebuah proyek untuk membantu robot mengembangkan kemampuan audiovisual untuk interaksi sosial yang efektif.

‘Dalam robotika, orang umumnya berkonsentrasi pada interaksi fisik, tetapi untuk “robot sosial” ini adalah tentang interaksi kognitif. Robot harus mencari tahu apa yang sedang terjadi dan bagaimana seharusnya meresponsnya,’ kata Dr Horaud, direktur penelitian di institut ilmu komputasi INRIA Prancis.

HUMAVIPS menggunakan pembukaan pameran seni sebagai ujian, menantang robot yang dibuat oleh anggota konsorsium Aldebaran Robotics untuk memahami situasi untuk menunjukkan bahwa ia mampu memahami beberapa seluk beluk interaksi manusia yang kompleks.

Robot harus mengidentifikasi karya seni yang dikagumi seseorang dan memberikan informasi yang relevan. Untuk melakukan itu, ia harus menyaring data yang relevan dari campuran percakapan dan kebisingan, gerakan dan bayangan. Bagian dari tantangannya adalah dalam menggunakan teknologi robot konsumen, yang kemungkinan akan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari di masa depan.

Proyek ALIZE juga menggunakan robot humanoid Aldebaran dan komputasi awan untuk mempelajari interaksi, tetapi dalam periode yang lebih lama – jam, hari, atau minggu. Proyek ini bekerja di tujuh rumah sakit Eropa untuk mendapatkan robot untuk membantu anak-anak penderita diabetes memahami kondisi mereka, mengajari mereka untuk memantau gejala mereka, dan untuk mengadopsi kebiasaan yang membuat mereka tetap sehat.

‘Kami telah menemukan bahwa robot benar-benar dapat mencapai hasil yang baik,’ kata Profesor Tony Belpaeme, koordinator ALIZE dan profesor sistem kognitif dan robotika di University of Plymouth, Inggris.

“Kami telah menempuh beberapa cara untuk mencapai kecerdasan buatan yang memungkinkan robot bekerja secara mandiri. Tapi kita belum ke sana,” tambahnya.

Robot mengembangkan hubungan dengan pasien dari waktu ke waktu dengan belajar dari interaksi mereka sebelumnya. Dan robot humanoid sangat efektif untuk anak-anak, kata Prof. Belpaeme, seraya menambahkan bahwa anak-anak autis juga merespons robot dengan baik.

‘Dengan robot ini, mereka melihat sesuatu yang hidup, dan mereka memperhatikan,’ tambahnya.

Proyek ALIZE yang didukung FP7, yang berlangsung hingga tahun depan, menunjukkan peran yang lebih besar yang mungkin dimainkan robot dalam perawatan kesehatan dan dalam merawat yang lemah atau sakit.

Proyek lain yang didukung UE yang mengeksplorasi interaksi manusia robot termasuk JAMES, dikoordinasikan oleh Universitas Edinburgh di Skotlandia, Inggris, yang juga mengembangkan kemampuan yang memungkinkan robot berfungsi sebagai pendamping perawatan di rumah atau robot layanan.

Sistemnya bertujuan untuk mengenali, memahami, dan berinteraksi dengan beberapa orang dengan cara yang dinamis dan sesuai secara sosial. Dalam skenario pengujiannya, robot memainkan bartender, menggabungkan tugas-tugas seperti menerima pesanan minuman dan pembayaran dengan perilaku sosial dalam menangani interaksi simultan atau mengelola pelompat antrean dengan sopan.

Robot layanan

Sistem robot layanan membutuhkan metode kerjasama yang aman antara manusia dan robot. Proyek CHRIS, yang dikoordinasikan oleh Laboratorium Robotika Bristol, Inggris, melihat bagaimana robot dapat mengomunikasikan niat mereka dan mengembangkan kemampuan mental yang diperlukan untuk dapat berinteraksi dengan manusia.

Proyek CORBYS, dikoordinasikan oleh Universitas Bremen Jerman, juga telah mengeksplorasi interaksi manusia robot simbiosis seperti dalam sistem rehabilitasi gaya berjalan robot yang dapat digunakan untuk pasien stroke. Ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem kontrol untuk robot berdasarkan kesadaran situasional dan antisipasi perilaku manusia yang sering tidak terduga.

Lima prinsip robotika

Sementara para peneliti bergulat dengan sifat kecerdasan manusia dan tantangan teknis dalam sistem robotika, masyarakat luas harus mempertimbangkan implikasi sosial, etika, dan hukum.

Diskusi seputar beberapa masalah ini memimpin satu proyek yang didanai Uni Eropa, euRobotics, untuk membuat saran tentang pedoman hukum dan peraturan untuk merangsang perdebatan tentang bagaimana bidang tersebut harus berkembang.

Di antara proposal yang dibuat oleh proyek adalah aturan ‘roboethical’ untuk desainer, konstruktor, dan pengguna robot. Beberapa aturan relatif tidak kontroversial, seperti robot harus dirancang untuk menjamin keselamatan dan keamanannya. Tetapi yang lain telah menghasilkan lebih banyak panas, terutama prinsip bahwa ‘robot tidak boleh dirancang semata-mata atau terutama untuk membunuh atau menyakiti manusia’. Beberapa berpendapat bahwa untuk memperhitungkan robotika militer, ini harus menyertakan peringatan ‘kecuali untuk kepentingan keamanan nasional’.

Lima prinsip robotika yang diusulkan adalah:

  • 1Robot tidak boleh dirancang semata-mata atau terutama untuk membunuh atau membahayakan manusia.
  • Manusia, bukan robot, adalah agen yang bertanggung jawab. Robot adalah alat yang dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan manusia.
  • Robot harus dirancang dengan cara yang menjamin keselamatan dan keamanannya.
  • Robot adalah artefak; mereka tidak boleh dirancang untuk mengeksploitasi pengguna yang rentan dengan membangkitkan respons emosional atau ketergantungan. Harus selalu memungkinkan untuk membedakan robot dari manusia.
  • Harus selalu memungkinkan untuk mengetahui siapa yang bertanggung jawab secara hukum atas sebuah robot.

Prinsip-prinsip tersebut menelusuri akarnya ke masalah yang direnungkan oleh penulis fiksi ilmiah lebih dari 70 tahun yang lalu. Terlepas dari pendekatan robot yang cepat, mereka masih belum terselesaikan.

Teknologi “Necrobotics” Menggunakan Bangkai Spider Sebagai Penggenggam Robot

Teknologi “Necrobotics” Menggunakan Bangkai Spider Sebagai Penggenggam Robot

Teknologi “Necrobotics” Menggunakan Bangkai Spider Sebagai Penggenggam Robot – Sementara kita telah melihat sejumlah robot gripper yang terinspirasi oleh berbagai hewan , para ilmuwan AS kini telah mengambil pendekatan yang jauh lebih “langsung”. Mereka telah menemukan metode menggunakan laba-laba mati yang sebenarnya untuk menangkap benda-benda kecil dengan hati-hati.

Teknologi “Necrobotics” Menggunakan Bangkai Spider Sebagai Penggenggam Robot

mechanicalspider – Tidak seperti mamalia, yang menggerakkan anggota tubuhnya dengan merentangkan dan mengontraksikan otot-otot yang berlawanan, laba-laba menggerakkan kakinya melalui tekanan hidrolik. Lebih khusus lagi, mereka memiliki “ruang prosoma” yang terletak di dekat kepala mereka yang mengirimkan darah ke kaki saat berkontraksi – ini menyebabkan kaki memanjang. Saat tekanan dilepaskan, kaki menutup kembali.

Baca Juga : Tiny, Flexible Robotic Spider Dapat Membantu Operasi di Masa Depan

Dipimpin oleh Ast. Prof Daniel Preston dan mahasiswa pascasarjana Faye Yap, sebuah tim di Texas’ Rice University berangkat untuk melihat apakah mereka dapat secara manual memicu gerakan seperti itu pada laba-laba serigala yang mati. Para ilmuwan telah menamai bidang penelitian “necrobotics.”

Prosesnya dimulai dengan seekor laba-laba di-eutanasia, setelah itu jarum dimasukkan ke dalam ruang prosomanya. Setetes lem kemudian ditambahkan pada titik penyisipan, untuk menjaga jarum tetap di tempatnya.

Menggunakan jarum suntik yang terpasang pada jarum itu, sejumlah kecil udara kemudian didorong ke dalam ruangan, menyebabkan kaki terbuka. Ketika udara ditarik kembali keluar dari ruangan, kaki menutup. Dalam tes yang dilakukan sejauh ini, gripper nekrobotik berbasis laba-laba mampu mengangkat lebih dari 130% dari berat badan laba-laba itu sendiri.

Menurut para peneliti, satu bangkai laba-laba bertahan selama sekitar 1.000 siklus buka/tutup sebelum jaringannya mulai rusak. Diharapkan penambahan lapisan polimer dapat meningkatkan umur panjang. Selain menjadi subjek studi ilmiah yang agak menyeramkan, gripper nekrobotik dapat memiliki beberapa aplikasi praktis. Sebuah makalah tentang penelitian ini baru-baru ini diterbitkan dalam jurnal Advanced Science. Grippers ditunjukkan dalam video berikut.

Menggembungkan mayat laba-laba menciptakan permainan cakar robot dari mimpi buruk

Selamat datang di bidang baru “nekrobotik” yang menarik dan agak mengerikan. Tak lama setelah Preston Innovation Lab didirikan di Rice University, mahasiswa pascasarjana Faye Yap sedang mengatur ulang beberapa hal ketika dia melihat seekor laba-laba mati meringkuk di lorong.

Penasaran mengapa laba-laba meringkuk ketika mereka mati, dia melakukan pencarian cepat untuk menemukan jawabannya. Dan jawaban itu—pada dasarnya, hidraulik internal—menghasilkan inspirasi mengerikan yang menyenangkan: Mengapa tidak menggunakan tubuh laba-laba mati sebagai pencengkeram kecil bertenaga udara untuk mengambil dan menggerakkan komponen elektronik kecil?

Yap dan rekan-rekannya—termasuk penasihat Daniel Preston—melakukan hal itu. Mereka mengubah laba-laba serigala mati menjadi alat pencengkeram hanya dengan satu langkah perakitan—pada dasarnya meluncurkan area penelitian baru yang mereka juluki “necrobotics”. Mereka menguraikan proses secara rinci dalam makalah baru yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Advanced Science. Para penulis menyarankan gripper bisa ideal untuk tugas berulang “pick-and-place” yang rumit dan mungkin bisa digunakan suatu hari nanti dalam perakitan mikroelektronika.

Laboratorium Preston berspesialisasi dalam apa yang disebut robotika lunak, yang menghindari plastik keras, logam, dan elektronik biasa demi bahan yang lebih nontradisional. Hidrogel dan elastomer, misalnya, dapat berfungsi sebagai aktuator yang ditenagai oleh reaksi kimia, pneumatik, atau bahkan cahaya. Robotika juga telah lama menemukan inspirasi untuk desain mereka di alam, mempelajari gerak hewan seperti cheetah, ular, serangga , bintang laut, ubur-ubur, dan gurita.

Hitung laba-laba di antara makhluk-makhluk yang terus memesona dan menginspirasi robotika, berkat seberapa baik tubuh mereka mengintegrasikan komponen kaku dan lunak. Ada juga cara unik untuk mengontrol kaki mereka. “Laba-laba tidak memiliki pasangan otot yang antagonis, seperti otot bisep dan trisep pada manusia,” kata Yap .

“Mereka hanya memiliki otot fleksor, yang memungkinkan kaki mereka melengkung ke dalam, dan mereka memanjangkannya ke luar dengan tekanan hidrolik. Ketika mereka mati, mereka kehilangan kemampuan untuk secara aktif menekan tubuh mereka. Itu sebabnya mereka meringkuk. Kami ingin menemukan cara untuk memanfaatkan mekanisme ini.”

Peneliti sebelumnya telah merancang pneumatik, sendi, dan otot yang diilhami laba-laba, tetapi membuat komponen-komponen tersebut pada skala kecil seperti itu biasanya memerlukan beberapa langkah yang melelahkan. Ada juga sistem biohibrid berdasarkan bahan biologis hidup atau aktif, tetapi Yap et al . perhatikan bahwa ini menuntut perawatan yang cermat dan tepat. Satu makalah yang mengesankan melaporkan mengendalikan laba-laba hidup dengan stimulasi listrik, dan para ilmuwan telah menemukan kegunaan sutra laba-laba dan kerangka luar laba-laba yang berganti kulit. Tetapi secara keseluruhan, “penggabungan bahan biotik yang berasal dari tubuh laba-laba itu sendiri belum dieksplorasi,” tulis para penulis.

Faktanya, lab Preston mungkin menjadi yang pertama menggunakan kembali mayat laba-laba mati yang sebenarnya sebagai bahan baku untuk komponen robot. Dan itu tidak membutuhkan banyak usaha untuk melakukannya. Prosoma laba-laba, atau ruang hidrolik, berisi katup internal yang memungkinkan makhluk itu mengendalikan setiap kaki secara individual. Begitu laba-laba mati, kendali itu hilang dan kaki-kaki bekerja bersama-sama. Itu adalah keuntungan bagi rencana Yap dkk untuk mengubah laba-laba menjadi alat pencengkeram.

Yang perlu mereka lakukan hanyalah memasukkan jarum ke prosoma laba-laba mati dan menempelkannya ke tubuh laba-laba dengan lem super untuk membentuk segel kedap udara. Mereka hanya menempatkan tetesan superglue pada poros jarum dan membiarkan minimisasi alami energi permukaan dimainkan. Gravitasi menarik tetesan ke bawah poros sampai menyentuh kutikula laba-laba dan membentuk meniskus di sepanjang antarmuka antara jarum dan kutikula yang menghasilkan segel kedap udara saat lem sembuh. Seluruh proses memakan waktu 10 menit.

Ujung jarum yang lain dilekatkan ke salah satu alat uji lab atau jarum suntik genggam. Memberikan embusan udara kecil menekan ruangan dan mengaktifkan kaki secara instan, menyebabkannya terbuka. Depressurizing ruang menyebabkan kaki untuk menutup lagi. Tim menguji gripper laba-laba mereka pada berbagai objek. Misalnya, mereka menggunakannya untuk melepas kabel jumper pada papan tempat memotong roti listrik untuk melepaskan LED; untuk mengambil satu blok busa poliuretan berwarna merah; dan bahkan untuk mengambil laba-laba mati lainnya.

Ini adalah efek visual yang diakui menyeramkan, menyaksikan kaki laba-laba tak bernyawa itu berulang kali membuka dan menutup. Tetapi bertentangan dengan beberapa berita utama yang terlalu bersemangat, ini bukan laba-laba yang dihidupkan kembali atau “zombie”. “Meskipun tampak seperti hidup kembali, kami yakin itu tidak hidup, dan kami menggunakannya dalam kasus ini secara ketat sebagai bahan yang berasal dari laba-laba yang pernah hidup,” kata Preston . “Ini memberi kita sesuatu yang sangat berguna.”

Pengujian menunjukkan bahwa gripper laba-laba dapat dengan andal mengangkat benda yang lebih dari 1,3 kali berat badan laba-laba itu sendiri, mengerahkan kekuatan cengkeraman puncak sebesar 0,35 milinewton. Diketahui bahwa laba-laba yang lebih kecil dapat membawa beban yang lebih berat dibandingkan dengan berat tubuhnya sendiri, sedangkan laba-laba yang lebih besar hanya dapat menangani beban yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan berat tubuhnya. Salah satu jalan penelitian masa depan adalah mempelajari kekuatan mencengkeram laba-laba dari berbagai ukuran atau spesies untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang hubungan antara ukuran dan kekuatan mencengkeram ini.

Gripper laba-laba juga terbukti sangat kuat, menyelesaikan 1.000 siklus buka/tutup sebelum keausan pada sendi menyebabkan tubuh rusak setelah beberapa hari. Yap dkk. percaya ini ada hubungannya dengan dehidrasi pada persendian dari waktu ke waktu. Salah satu cara yang mungkin untuk memperluas fungsionalitas gripper adalah dengan menerapkan lapisan tipis lapisan kedap uap. Tim menguji ini dengan melapisi gripper laba-laba dengan lilin lebah untuk mengurangi kehilangan air, menghasilkan peningkatan yang signifikan.

Tiny, Flexible Robotic Spider Dapat Membantu Operasi di Masa Depan

Tiny, Flexible Robotic Spider Dapat Membantu Operasi di Masa Depan

Tiny, Flexible Robotic Spider Dapat Membantu Operasi di Masa Depan – Robot lembut yang terinspirasi dari hewan dapat digunakan di lingkungan yang sulit diakses. Para ilmuwan telah mengembangkan laba-laba robot yang fleksibel dan lunak, kira-kira sebesar koin, yang dapat membantu membantu prosedur bedah yang rumit atau mengakses area yang terlalu sulit dijangkau oleh manusia atau robot kaku.

Tiny, Flexible Robotic Spider Dapat Membantu Operasi di Masa Depan

mechanicalspider – Ahli robotik membayangkan masa depan di mana robot lembut yang terinspirasi hewan dapat digunakan dengan aman di lingkungan alami dan buatan manusia yang sulit diakses. Robot lunak berukuran sentimeter telah dibuat, tetapi sejauh ini belum memungkinkan untuk membuat robot fleksibel multi-fungsi yang dapat bergerak dan beroperasi pada skala ukuran yang lebih kecil.

Baca Juga : Spider-Bot Interactive Remote Control Bot

Para peneliti dari Universitas Harvard dan Universitas Boston di AS mengatasi tantangan ini dengan mengembangkan proses fabrikasi terintegrasi yang memungkinkan desain robot lunak pada skala milimeter dengan fitur skala mikrometer.

Untuk mendemonstrasikan kemampuan teknologi baru mereka, mereka menciptakan laba-laba lunak robot, yang terinspirasi oleh laba-laba merak Australia berwarna-warni berukuran milimeter, dari satu bahan elastis dengan fitur pembentuk tubuh, gerakan, dan warna.

“Sistem robotik lunak terkecil masih cenderung sangat sederhana, dengan biasanya hanya satu derajat kebebasan, yang berarti mereka hanya dapat menggerakkan satu perubahan bentuk atau jenis gerakan tertentu,” kata Sheila Russo, asisten profesor di Universitas Boston dalam Amerika Serikat.

“Dengan mengembangkan teknologi hibrida baru yang menggabungkan tiga teknik fabrikasi yang berbeda, kami menciptakan robot laba-laba lunak yang hanya terbuat dari karet silikon dengan 18 derajat kebebasan, yang mencakup perubahan struktur, gerakan, dan warna, dan dengan fitur kecil dalam rentang mikrometer, ” kata Russo, yang merupakan rekan postdoctoral di Harvard pada saat penelitian.

Dalam perangkat Microfluidic Origami for Reconfigurable Pneumatic/Hydrolic (MORPH), para peneliti pertama kali menggunakan teknik litografi lunak untuk menghasilkan 12 lapisan silikon elastis yang bersama-sama membentuk dasar material laba-laba lunak.

Setiap lapisan dipotong dengan tepat dari cetakan dengan teknik laser micromachining, dan kemudian direkatkan ke lapisan di bawahnya untuk menciptakan struktur 3D kasar dari laba-laba lunak. Kunci untuk mengubah struktur perantara ini menjadi desain akhir adalah jaringan saluran mikrofluida berongga yang telah dibuat sebelumnya yang diintegrasikan ke dalam lapisan individu.

Dengan teknik ketiga yang dikenal sebagai pelipatan otomatis yang diinduksi injeksi, bertekanan satu set saluran mikofluida terintegrasi ini dengan resin yang dapat disembuhkan dari luar. Ini menginduksi lapisan individu, dan dengan mereka juga lapisan tetangga mereka, untuk secara lokal menekuk ke konfigurasi akhir mereka, yang tetap di ruang ketika resin mengeras.

Dengan cara ini, misalnya, perut bengkak laba-laba lunak dan kaki melengkung ke bawah menjadi ciri permanen.

“Kami dapat secara tepat mengontrol proses pelipatan seperti origami ini dengan memvariasikan ketebalan dan konsistensi relatif dari bahan silikon yang berdekatan dengan saluran melintasi lapisan yang berbeda atau dengan pemotongan laser pada jarak yang berbeda dari saluran,” kata Tommaso Ranzani, penulis pertama buku tersebut. studi yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Advanced Materials.

“Selama tekanan, saluran kemudian berfungsi sebagai aktuator yang menyebabkan perubahan struktural permanen,” kata Razani, asisten profesor di Universitas Boston.

Kumpulan saluran mikofluida terintegrasi yang tersisa digunakan sebagai aktuator tambahan untuk mewarnai mata dan mensimulasikan pola warna perut spesies merak dengan mengalirkan cairan berwarna; dan untuk menginduksi gerakan seperti berjalan di struktur kaki.

“Sistem MORPH pertama ini dibuat dalam satu proses monolitik yang dapat dilakukan dalam beberapa hari dan mudah diulang dalam upaya optimasi desain,” kata Ranzani.

Spider-Bot Interactive Remote Control Bot

Spider-Bot Interactive Remote Control Bot

Spider-Bot Interactive Remote Control Bot – Awal pekan lalu, Disneyland Resort mengumumkan bahwa penggemar superhero Marvel akan dapat mengambil mainan Spider-Bot mereka yang dikendalikan dari jarak jauh dari WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure yang akan datang dari Disney California Adventure yang akan tiba di Kampus Avengers yang serba baru. area kapan pun bisa dibuka untuk tamu.

Spider-Bot Interactive Remote Control Bot

mechanicalspider – Hari ini saya mengunjungi Downtown Disney District untuk mengambil bagian dalam penjualan khusus reservasi sebelumnya dari Spider-Bots ini kepada Pemegang Tiket Tahunan Disneyland Resort, dan dalam video di bawah ini saya membuka kotak, mencoba, dan meninjau mainan interaktif baru yang terinspirasi oleh Avengers yang sangat dinanti Atraksi Spider-Man Kampus.

Baca Juga : Penelitian Robot Laba-laba Spivey

Spider-Bot Interactive Remote Control Bot direkomendasikan untuk usia delapan tahun ke atas, dan menampilkan gerakan 360 derajat, permainan pertempuran, “pelindung proyektor”, mata menyala, kemampuan berjongkok, dan suara yang menyenangkan. Seperti yang akan Anda lihat di video di atas, saya mengalami beberapa kesulitan untuk membuat Spider-Bot saya bergerak maju dengan anggun– ia berjuang dalam kapasitas ini di berbagai permukaan, meskipun gerakan mundur dan rotasi bekerja dengan cukup baik.

Sulit juga untuk mendapatkan gambaran lengkap tentang kemampuan mainan ini hanya dengan satu salinan. Fungsi pertempuran (termasuk blaster standar dan mewah, pengukur kehidupan digital, perisai, dan manuver defensif) tidak terlalu berarti jika itu hanya satu-satunya Spider-Bot. Opsi penghancuran diri memang memberikan tawa ketika Anda menahan tombol tengah, namun,

Pada $80 per pop (diperingatkan sebelumnya: Diskon Pemegang Tiket Tahunan Disneyland tidak berlaku untuk Spider-Bot saat ini) Saya pikir mainan ini mungkin sedikit terlalu mahal untuk apa yang Anda dapatkan, terutama mengingat bagaimana gerakan maju, yang seharusnya menjadi satu kontrol yang paling dasar, tidak terlalu efektif.

Namun, saya bisa melihat anak-anak bersenang-senang dengan ini jika mereka mendapatkan yang bekerja lebih baik daripada saya dan mampu mengetahui fungsi pertempuran. Baterai disertakan di dalam kotak, jadi itu juga sesuatu, dan memang rapi untuk memiliki akses ke merchandise Avengers Campus seperti ini. Saat ini Spider-Bot hanya tersedia sebagai bagian dari acara belanja “Enchanting Extras” minggu ini di Downtown Disney, tetapi mulai Jumat para tamu Disneyland Resort dapat mengambilnya di World of Disney atau Backlot Premiere Shop yang terletak di Stage 17 DCA.

Kampus Avengers akan hadir di Disney California Adventure beberapa saat setelah taman hiburan Disneyland Resort sekali lagi diizinkan untuk dibuka.

Sebelumnya hari ini, kami melaporkan tentang band WEB Tech “Mystic Amplifier” baru yang terinspirasi oleh Doctor Strange yang dirilis hari ini di Avengers Campus untuk dikaitkan dengan rilis Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness . Mike Celestino kami sendiri harus mencoba perangkat ini di WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure .

Apa yang terjadi:

Menurut cerita, beberapa item WEB Tech dirancang oleh Peter Parker sendiri dan beberapa oleh Harley Keener. Terlepas dari dari mana mereka berasal, mereka dirancang untuk membantu para tamu meningkatkan kemampuan web slinging mereka di atas atraksi.

Potongan “Mystic Amplifier” yang baru memiliki kisahnya sendiri, yang diciptakan oleh Zelma Stanton. Dan menurut ceritanya, dengan meretas Mystic Amplifier ini, bahkan pemula dalam seni mistik dapat memanfaatkan energi dimensi lain untuk menyulap reruntuhan magis dan perisai.

Saat menggunakan pita pada atraksi, ia bereaksi terhadap pengalaman dan memberi Anda kesenangan ekstra untuk mengirim Spider-Bots melalui portal, seperti yang dapat dilakukan oleh Doctor Strange.
Inilah penampilan band pada subjek uji kami, Mike:

Lihat perjalanan lengkap kami melalui WEB SLINGERS menggunakan band Doctor Strange WEB Tech:

Tapi itu tidak semua kesenangan yang berhubungan dengan Doctor Strange di Avengers Campus, karena Scarlet Witch dan America Chavez sekarang dapat ditemukan berkeliaran, dan Amerika bahkan sekarang menjadi bagian dari acara Doctor Strange: Mysteries of the Mystic Arts.

Kami telah melihat dan belajar tentang beberapa detail menakjubkan tentang atraksi baru yang datang ke negeri ini, dan bahkan melihatnya dari dalam Disney California Adventure Park ketika Buena Vista Street dibuka kembali. Tapi, kita tidak perlu menunggu sampai Avengers Campus dibuka untuk mendapatkan merchandise superhero yang keren!

Sebelumnya, kami membagikan bahwa Spider-Bots (mainan khusus yang awalnya dikembangkan untuk tanah) dan lebih banyak merchandise Kampus Avengers akan segera tersedia di Downtown Disney! Tapi, sebelum item mulai dijual ke masyarakat umum, Pemegang Pass mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beberapa merchandise sedikit lebih awal! Hari ini, kami mampir ke acara belanja Pemegang Tiket eksklusif dan memberi Anda SEMUA detail tentang barang-barang luar biasa ini!

Spider-Bots dan pakaian WEB ( The Worldwide Engineering Brigade) terbaru dari Avengers Campus kini tersedia di Downtown Disney di Disneyland Resort untuk Pemegang Tiket Tahunan. Dari tanggal 30 November hingga 3 Desember , Pemegang Tiket akan memiliki kemampuan untuk membeli beberapa barang dagangan yang luar biasa ini di acara pra-penjualan khusus di bekas Zona ESPN. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang acara khusus ini dan mencoba membuat reservasi sendiri dengan mengklik di sini.

Hari ini kita mampir ke acara belanja spesial ini dan mengintip merchandise Avengers Campus yang super keren. Mari kita lihat apa yang kami temukan! Pertama, dan mungkin yang paling penting, Spider-Bot: Interactive Remote Control Bot telah tersedia! Jika Anda adalah atau mengenal penggemar berat Marvel, mainan ini WAJIB DIMILIKI! Bot dapat merangkak mundur dan maju, berjongkok, berputar 360°, melawan Spider-Bots lainnya, melepaskan perisai mereka, dan banyak lagi!

Penelitian Robot Laba-laba Spivey

Penelitian Robot Laba-laba Spivey

Penelitian Robot Laba-laba Spivey – Ketika mahasiswa Randolph-Macon College Max Spivey ’21 menginginkan kesempatan untuk bekerja satu-satu dengan seorang profesor dan melakukan penelitian mutakhir, dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukan.

Penelitian Robot Laba-laba Spivey

mechanicalspider – Sebagai jurusan ilmu komputer dan keamanan siber dan minor matematika , Spivey mendaftar ke program Schapiro Undergraduate Research Fellowship ( SURF ) R-MC dan bekerja di bawah bimbingan Profesor Ilmu Komputer John McManus ’84.

Robot Berkaki Enam

Penelitian Spivey, Menganalisis Optimalisasi Robot Berkaki Enam , melibatkan pengembangan gaya berjalan yang berbeda (cara/urutan kaki bergerak) dan postur (tampak takut, tampak agresif) untuk laba-laba robot. Di laboratorium di Copley Science Center, Spivey mengembangkan seperangkat sensor yang memungkinkan laba-laba untuk memahami lingkungan, dan serangkaian perilaku stimulus-respons bagi laba-laba untuk merespons apa yang mereka rasakan.

“Dengan kata lain, saya membuat tiga robot besar berkaki enam yang merespons dunia seperti laba-laba sungguhan,” kata Spivey. “Misalnya, saya memprogram robot untuk berkomunikasi tentang rintangan apa yang harus dihindari—katakanlah, sebuah objek yang berjarak satu meter. Saya juga memprogram laba-laba untuk bereaksi dengan perilaku tertentu (seperti berkedut) agar terlihat agresif jika mereka melihat ancaman. Jika agresif, robot berjalan lebih cepat dan/atau menggembung agar terlihat lebih besar.”

Sensor, Pengodean, Perilaku

Laba-laba terbuat dari plastik akrilik, dengan papan pengontrol mikro untuk “otak”, servos (perangkat otomatis yang menggunakan umpan balik negatif penginderaan kesalahan untuk memperbaiki kinerja suatu mekanisme) dan sensor ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi gerakan .

Setiap laba-laba, terhubung ke server pusat yang disebut papan tulis, menyampaikan informasi ke papan tulis, menentukan apa yang harus dilakukan dengannya, dan mengizinkan robot lain untuk menarik informasi jika diperlukan. Informasi ini mencakup lingkungan sekitar dan perilaku apa (agresi, pasif, rasa ingin tahu) yang ditampilkan laba-laba saat merespons lingkungannya.

Spivey menambahkan sensor ke robot, mengubah kode, atau membuat kode baru untuk digunakan robot. Tujuan penelitiannya berubah dari hari ke hari dan mengikuti rencana jangka panjang yang dia kembangkan untuk proyeknya.

Ide Hebat + Koneksi Alumni

Ide di balik penelitian Spivey muncul ketika McManus bertemu dengan Scot Tanner ’93 , pendiri dan produser Stormcatcher Films di Petersburg, Virginia. Tanner tertarik mencari mahasiswa yang memiliki pengalaman robotika untuk merancang dan memprogram robot laba-laba yang dapat bergerak dan berinteraksi dengan sekitarnya.

“Salah satu manfaat besar bekerja di R-MC adalah kami memiliki alumni dan staf yang sangat terlibat yang membantu fakultas membuat koneksi untuk mendukung siswa kami saat ini,” kata McManus, yang kemudian bertemu dengan Pat Filoteo ’93 , arsitek & manajer proyek utama untuk Microsoft, Inc. – Windows Azure. “Pat dan saya berbicara tentang peluang baginya untuk terlibat dengan siswa kami, dan dia dengan murah hati menawarkan untuk mendanai proyek SURF Max.” Spivey dikenal sebagai Filoteo Fellow 2019.

“Peralatan yang kami gunakan dalam penelitian Max, termasuk tiga robot laba-laba, sensor, dan baterai khusus, bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa kami tutupi,” kata McManus. “Berkat Pat, kami dapat membeli barang-barang yang dibutuhkan Max untuk menyelesaikan penelitiannya. Koneksi alumni-siswa adalah bagian dari keunikan R-MC.”

Program SURF Program

SURF didirikan pada tahun 1995 melalui dana abadi yang diberikan oleh Ben Schapiro ’64 dan istrinya, Peggy Schapiro. Schapiros terus mendukung program ini, yang mempromosikan penelitian sarjana ilmiah oleh mahasiswa di semua disiplin ilmu . Ben Schapiro telah bertugas di sejumlah komite R-MC, termasuk Dewan Pengawas dan Perkumpulan Alumni. Program SURF dipimpin bersama oleh Profesor Sejarah Seni Evie Terrono dan Profesor Kimia Serge Schreiner.

5 Advantages of Spider Legs Over Other Robot Designs

5 Advantages of Spider Legs Over Other Robot Designs

All kinds of designs are used because they have certain advantages over other types of designs. This also applies to the manufacture of the motion system of a robot. Each type of robot must move in a certain way to reach a place. Many people start making robots with wheels because this form is the easiest to use as a robotic propulsion system. The shape of the wheel is made with various variations to facilitate the movement of the robot in various fields. Robot wheels can have various shapes so that the robot can be moved easily on various terrains. Modification of the wheels brought the manufacture of robots and vehicle wheel research into more detail and detail.

Wheels used in a robot can not be separated from the problem. When used, a wheel will be driven by a certain motor. The motor can move easily on smooth surfaces because the wheels only need to support the weight of the robot frame and move the frame along the smooth surface. Unfortunately, the worse the surface, the stronger the motor needed. In addition, there are also problems in the robot’s environment which will make the drive system unable to work properly. However, the robot is still made with wheels because this solution is the fastest movement on a surface that can be walked on wheels.

Due to the limitations of movement in certain fields, the robot is made with a different shape. The robot’s movement system was changed to spider legs. This idea came about because there are some places that can’t be walked on wheels. The drive system using spider legs has a number of advantages that the wheels will never be able to achieve. These advantages include:
• Can work with lower sound.
• Stronger to work in bad terrain.
• Can move more freely on irregular surfaces.
• Not easy to mine because the distance from the body to the surface can be adjusted.
• More efficient movement mechanism.

This advantage also comes with a number of disadvantages that make the robot not always able to work well in various contours. Even so, robotic spiders do provide a better chance of being used in a variety of terrains and can be an excellent choice for shipping to places where conditions and surfaces are unknown. Spider robots can also be made lighter than robots with wheels so for durability problems this robot will be able to work well in very difficult conditions. Research for spider robots is still being developed with the aim of covering all kinds of weaknesses of the robot’s movement system.

When moving robot spiders tend to be slower even on the best surfaces. Creating a better locomotion system to operate spider legs is a work that is still being developed. The development of robotic technology also raises concerns about the number of spider legs. There are spider robots with variations of 4 to 8 feet. All options for the number of legs generally have an even number. Robots are also sometimes made with a drive system that can be changed so that the robot’s movement becomes more leverage. This robot technology is very useful for various conditions that require an exploration system to determine the state of the environment. Several types of robots have worked well to explore a number of environments that were previously unreachable.

Development of 8-Leg Spider Robot for Exploration

Development of 8-Leg Spider Robot for Exploration

Exploration is the most interesting activity because in this activity there are opportunities to find and meet various kinds of interesting new things in various places. Of the many places that have been explored by humans, there are still many other places that still cannot be reached by human traces. This place can have various obstacles including:
• Too high,
• Too narrow,
• Is an area with a hazardous environment,
• Being in a place surrounded by hazardous areas,
• Too deep,
• The vacuum,
• And various factors related to temperature and weather.
Because of these problems, a robot was created that could provide information in the dangerous area and could explore the area without attracting the attention of wild animals or being able to move in dangerous terrain so that information in one place could still be collected.

There are many types and prototypes of robots that have been made with various abilities and purposes. The robot driven by tank wheels is one of the most powerful robots that has been roaming the moon to get a variety of information and clarity on various areas. Thanks to robots like this the contours of the moon and the type of land surface on the moon can be understood. This robot with tank wheels has a modified chain wheel so that it can run on various terrains well. The weight and design of the robot is made in such a way that it can balance the robot’s body and help in the process of moving the robot itself.

The advantages of robots that use tank wheels are quite a lot but there are also various kinds of problems that make these robots unsuitable for various situations. Thoughts about the freedom to move and get information and the ability to get to more difficult places created the spider robot. This robot has legs like spiders in the form of legs with two or three segments that help the robot walk with 8 ends of the legs. The movement acceleration of the robot is usually not far from 4cm per second but this is of course adjusted to the size of the robot. Robots like this have more advantages in terms of movement.

To maximize profits in terms of movement, the robot is also made to turn into a cylindrical tube. This means that the robot can roll to accelerate the movement with variations in speed depending on the slope of the contour and the presence of obstruction factors in the terrain being traveled. This is actually an interesting idea because if the robot can roll then the robot can be relied on to move faster if circumstances support this fast movement. Because robots have the ability to change shape, robots like this can also be called robot transformers. Many robots like this have been made and developed so that they can provide the best functions.

The use of robots for exploration is basically not something new. Since the beginning this idea has emerged and there have been many kinds of ideas that have been realized, such as flying drones. All these unmanned robots are actually called drones, so when a flying drone cannot provide the required data, a ground drone must be used to complete the information. The advantages of drones, of course, are many in terms of exploration. The small made spider robot allows the drone to be carried on a flying drone and placed in the exploration target area with ease. The use of spider legs is also an advantage to facilitate the movement of the robot.

Firefighting Spider Robot

Firefighting Spider Robot

Robot is a set of mechanical tools that can help to perform physical tasks, either with human supervision and control, or using first defined programs. The term robot begins in the Czech word “robota” meaning workers or coolies that show no fatigue or boredom. Robots are usually employed for demanding, dangerous, repetitive, dirty work. Usually most industrial robots are used in the field of production. Other robotic applications include toxic waste removal, underwater and space exploration, mining, search and rescue work, and search for mines. Robots in recent times have begun to enter the consumer market for entertainment, and domestic helpers, such as vacuum cleaners, and lawn mowers. Now there’s hardly anyone who doesn’t know robots, but what a robot does isn’t equally understood by anyone. Some think of the robot as a humanoid, but still it is not the only robot.

The development of robotics technologies, robots play an ever more significant role in the sciences and life of humans. The chska word for “robots,” meaning “workers,” was originally created to facilitate human work. Among them was Gadjah Mada University engineering students of damar satrio and bachtian chandra who created robots to fight fires. One of the members of our study, bachtian chandra, suggested that the background created the robot fire, because as Indonesia’s current global trends in robotics grew ever more rapidly, the idea of building a useful robot fighting the fire was coined. “Seeing a positive impact on the development of the world in robotics, we got a team from multiple disciplines to get into more knowledge,” he said at the food court Gadjah Mada University, week (18/3).

Just a glance at the design of this fire extinguisher resembled a spider’s animal, with a sturdy, six-foot body supporting it, making it a perfect design. The goal is to create these fire extinguishers, a robot tasked with finding and fighting fires at a designated space and time. Robots fitted with sprays and fan blades are expected to find and extinguish fires quickly. Their expectation bore sweet fruit. The fire extinguisher has won my regional best design and algorithm in the national robotics competition. This is because robots that they created can quickly find and put out fires, a triple trial, and can take control of the arena used in competition. “The robot’s superiority could not only put out the fire, it could also detect the presence of fire through room temperature. Because the robot was equipped with sensors, “bachtian explained.

Challenges In Spider Robot Models

Challenges In Spider Robot Models

The idea of spider robot model appears years ago. It turns out that the implementation takes longer than expected. As the researcher digs deeper, there are tons of challenges to solve. They already know what to fix, but still trying many methods to solve them.

Legs Movement
So far, researchers have succeeded in creating six legged robots. It is not difficult to create swinging motion, just like natural walking. However, the challenge is to mimic real arachnid moves; flexible and calculated wisely. To solve this challenge, researcher often takes samples from spider’s legs. They count how many joints exists and how the muscle retracts to make movement.

Many prototypes have been made, yet they are still under testing procedure. It is quite difficult to make coordinated movement without overlapping the command for each leg. Without this flexibility, the spider robot is considered “incomplete” and “not fit” for exploration task.

Sensor Input
Another obstacle in spider robot creation is the sensor input. It should be able to detect the change of environment quickly. Quick input will help to put command for the robot. It will be more beneficial to have sensors that could rotate, so the robot could have further and detailed vision of the terrain. Imagine yourself putting an online bet in , but you don’t know your chances. It’s bad.

The most popular sensor input used in many prototypes is ultrasonic sensor. It works by sending waves to the surface. When it hits solid surface, the wave will bounce back. The signal is sent to the mainboard. Researchers still consider the ideal wave length for exploration.

Energy Consumption
Since the spider bot is made for exploration, it will bear several functions in one body. They are scanning, recording terrain, and also moving freely. Not to mention, the six legs will move according to the terrain, not in unison. Thus, it will consume big energy for moving only.

Among the other homework, this is probably the most complicated one. Researchers have to find the right proportion to balance energy consumption. Will they make lighter frame structure? Will they put more power source? Or will they simplify the movement? Each possibility will be tested thoroughly by the researcher.

If you are interested in spider robot making, then be prepared to solve some equations. Arachnid movement, in fact, is quite hard to imitate. Its movement requires more calculation to do and more consideration to discuss. Unless you are able to find the answer, the spider robot release will be delayed.

Crawl On The Walls Like Spiderman With This Robot
Applications Concept Contact Info Prototypes

Crawl On The Walls Like Spiderman With This Robot

Crawl On The Walls Like Spiderman With This Robot – Wait, ain’t there suction cups for the job already? While there exist suction cups that are strong enough to carry the whole weight of the body, they have one big flaw – unless the surface is smooth like marble of glass, the cups will fail. Fortunately, though, Kaige Shi and Xin Li have the solution for this problem – water!
– The Idea
Sometimes, ladders or ropes are just not very convenient when it comes to reaching higher places. For one, ropes engage all of our limbs, making it almost impossible to do much else but the climbing itself.

On the other hand, ladders can get your hands free to a degree, but there are limits on how high and how free can you be. While there are airlifts designed to clean the outer glass of high buildings that erase those flaws, airlifts still need to be installed first before use and it’s not like it applies to all tall objects anyway.

See the similarities? Current devices just simply can’t let you get on with climbing – overall, they either took more time and certain privileges from you. This is where the robot came in. Shi and Li redesigned suction cups – which are easily equipped to our limbs – to make it possible to scale a barren building. So yes, it isn’t only online casino like SBOBET which is equipped with high technology, the outside world is filled with invention too.

– So… Why Water?
Apparently, the orthodox suction cups can’t stick properly to rough surfaces. Plus, depending on the weight of the item, the cups may fail with time. So, it’s impossible to make a multifaceted climbing device with it… without some tweaking. Shi and Li had the idea to use water inside the cups to create another layer to the grip. This layer supposedly reinforces the gripping ability of the device and act as a sealant to rough surfaces and make them ‘grip-able’.

– Current Progress
Shi and Li successfully made a prototype of the robot. However, their models still need to have outer power and water supply attached to it, making the climbing range limited depending on how long the cables are. Their current mission is to find a way to minimize water use in order to create a portable model with its own water supply within the structure.
Of course, unlike Spiderman who can scale any building with bare hands, this robot looks bulky on the limbs. However, this design may change after future development. In fact, Shi and Li wanted to make this robot fully portable while decreasing its water use.

Giant Robots Ever Seen
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Giant Robots Ever Seen

Giant Robots Ever Seen – A giant mechanical robot in the shape of a spider is seen wandering in France. Do not make people afraid, many people actually approach and capture this moment. The eight-foot mechanical robot was deliberately exhibited in Toulouse, France. The robot dubbed Ariane was controlled by three technicians who were above the robot and dozens of technicians below. Not only Ariane, there is a companion mechanical robot named Asterion. It is a mechanical robot that resembles a Minotaur, a creature of Greek mythology with a bull-headed human form.

Aterion is a giant mechanical robot 15 meters high and designed by famous artists. The two creatures were the work of François Delaroziere, the artistic director and leading creative artist of the La Machine company. The company is a theater company that works with technicians, programmers and designers in making giant mechanical robots. They are indeed focused on making mechanical creatures on a large scale. La Machine has also shown public works before. Giant spiders have been exhibited in Liverpool, England and Ottawa, Japan in 2017. The two giant mechanical robots will be exhibited in an event entitled “The Guardian of the Temple”. Especially for moving the Asterion, they need at least 16 technicians to create special movements and effects. The special effects include sounds and breaths that sound like monsters. Ariene and her partner, Asterion, were in front of the Hotel Dieu, Toulouse, France to attract visitors. It is recorded, at least 350 to 400 thousand people are expected to watch the show until the end of the week. Ariane and Asterion are giant mechanical robots that managed to amaze the attention of French tourists.

Giant Robots

The first giant spider robot in the world named La Princesse, this robot was created by the French performance art company La Machine, one of the leading companies in Francis, this giant spider robot was first introduced in Liverpool England as part of a celebration of European culture in 2008. So, this article is quite stale, but here what I emphasize is not the launch of this giant spider robot, but rather sharing how great this robot is to be able to shock the world of course with various quality images or photographs.
This giant spider robot measures 50 feet or about 15 meters and weighs around 37 tons with its main material pure steel and other data. This giant spider robot has 50 axes of movement with its hydraulic function as its driving force.

Never Let Your Plant Lose Sunlight With This Modified HEXA Robot
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Never Let Your Plant Lose Sunlight With This Modified HEXA Robot

Never Let Your Plant Lose Sunlight With This Modified HEXA Robot – One of the most common mistakes in planting is not giving the plant enough sunlight. Indeed, sunlight can be an issue especially if you don’t have a spot with good light-coverage at home. But what if you can get a robot that naturally brings your plant to the sunlight it needs?
• The Inspiration
This project is actually a remake from a succulent robot project Hakuhou. Tanqi, a staff of Vincross, made it back in 2014. The prior project was inspired by a sight Tanqi saw in an exhibition in the same year – a dead sunflower that was grown in the shadows of other sunflowers.
Thinking how the sunflower could have survived as long as it can move out from the shadows, the project was made as an effort on “Sharing Human Technology With Plants”. Both projects was meant to give plants the ‘experience’ moving around like animals, which is the reason why the robots are not simply chasing around sunlight but also given certain personalities. It reminds us on those virtual character in online games in https://homebet88.online.

• How Does It Work?
If you see the original HEXA model on Vincross’ website, you’ll see right away that this project is basically an improvement of that model. The original model is already designed for interactive relationships. Besides taking pictures, dancing, and exploring around with its six legs, HEXA can also learn movements from their human ‘mentor’. Yes, Vincross called their HEXA patron as human mentors, as they gave the units the ability to learn unique movements or new skills only with the help of humans. Think that model, then added with several other basic sensors such as moisture, shade, and light to accommodate the plant’s needs.

• More Than Just A Pot
Thanks to the additional sensors, the HEXA model became more than just expensive, fancy pot. After planting the plant of choice inside the space on top and setting up the movements, the model will roam around the house freely. Depending on the plant’s needs, the robot will walk into the sunlight and step out of it when needed. It can also dance to express emotion – so far, only two dances are embedded in the program to tell human owners that the plant is upset (because they are getting thirsty) or happy (because they got enough water). You can also play with it as you would to pets.
With this modified HEXA, you don’t have to move the pots around every time the sun moves on its course. Not to mention, it is interactive and expresses emotion related to the plant’s needs. So, instead of a fancy pot, you’ll get a pet plant instead!

Development Of Spider Robot
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Development Of Spider Robot

Development Of Spider Robot – Since the technology allows the boundless concept of robotic machine, many people try to actually build one. It gets a smooth start, which then developed into much modern version. In the beginning, spider robot doesn’t look like spider. However, robot makers still keep working to make it happens.

– Why A Spider?
To answer this question, you have to understand that robot is created to do human job. It ranges from regular daily chores to dangerous mission. If you want to build chores robot, then you will focus only on the best command execution. It will be different when you deal with another option. You need to think extra carefully about the movement, control and material.
explore dangerous places.

– Early Invention
If you search “spider robot” online, you might bump to Spider Bot. This robot is created by Axon. At that time, it is not yet designed for exploration purpose. The idea of Spider Bot is a small yet powerful robot. It could lift an object which weight doubles the robot. It could also move sideways, just like most spiders do.

Another invention that might add the inspiration is Robo Hopper. This product is made for pure entertainment. It could jump high, but still has trouble for smooth landing. In the future, the researches made innovation which is to mimic phototaxis. It is a process to identify light and jump to light direction.

– Perfect Goal
So far, you have seen the inspiration of spider robot. What are some qualities that researches wish to have from this robot? Listing them would help to create perfect goal and probably settle timeline for spider robot creation.

First, it should be able to move like real spiders. It means that the robot could detect the surface and react accordingly. The back plane should be flat, so the view is not tilted for the sake of moving upwards or downwards. It must be eight legged and could move freely like the insect. However, the energy needed must be as minimum as possible.

When you deal with robot plan, there must be a valid reason to continue the project. Otherwise, the efforts will mean nothing. Spider robot is created to help rescue process. The early invention, however, is still limited. Fortunately, deeper research of spider anatomy could help to build greater goal to achieve.

Farming Made Easier Thanks To These Spider Robots
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Farming Made Easier Thanks To These Spider Robots

Farming Made Easier Thanks To These Spider Robots – When it comes to farming, people will think of a field job with personal attention to the plants. However, more and more farms are ditching that method for effectivity achieved with robots. It may sound so futuristic, but it will become common sooner than you’d think.

• Greentech and Specified Robot Farmers
We’ve heard stories of famines and the misery it caused. Today, though agriculture is considered safer from such calamity, farms are still at risk of not producing enough for people – a problem exists thanks to the lack of workforce within the field. Fortunately, robotic companies such as Greentech can create robot assistants that make the big job possible.

Depending on your needs, Greentech offers different types of robots categorized by their function. Some of the types are semi-automatic (which means there will still be manual interaction to a degree), while the others are fully automatic (means that it can roam and do the job on its own after calibrated with your smartphone). Like all the online gambling games that can be played through smartphone, this robot is going to be practical to control.

• The Types
Greentech farming robots are divided into two main types, such as:
– Seed Spider
Seed spiders help farmers plant seeds with programmed distance and range to maximize the land’s effectivity. This type offer four types of units with different functions and capabilities:

– Metering Unit
Meters how many seeds planted on every spot and the distance between the sports. Can plant from ten to 4000 seeds per gram with ranging sizes.

– Sled Seeder
Level the soil top and plant the seeds. Most effective for small-scale farming.

– Roller Seeder
Basically sled seeder, but bigger. Designed for commercial growers.

– Harvester
Harvest the crops in any weather.

– Weed Spider
This automatic unit helps soil farming easier by continuously detecting weeds around the plant and pull them out. They can also protect the crops from bad weather. Since it works automatically, you can even leave it at night and let it continuously weed around.

• The Advantages
There are several advantages of using farming robots from Greentech:
– Thanks to the effectivity, expect 15% crop increase every acre.
– Allows farming on a big scale without a lot of people to employ.
– Able to work in all seasons and weather.
– Calibrate easily through your smartphone.

For the time being, these robots are not fully automatic and people still have to visit the field for certain problems diagnosed by it. Otherwise, the spider still increased the productivity of the farm without pooling too much human resources. Maybe, in the future, there will actually be farms with just one or a few people sitting behind the desk!

3 Spider Robots That Will Change Our Perspective to Plants
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3 Spider Robots That Will Change Our Perspective to Plants

3 Spider Robots That Will Change Our Perspective to Plants – For hundreds of years, most people thought that gardening and farming are boring and laborious. However, that is not necessarily true especially with the influence of robotics. In fact, these three spider robots are here to prove them wrong: –

• Roam The Farm Like Mars With Rover Robot Prospero
Imagine a rover on another plant – but, instead of exploring the grounds, it does farming for you. Prospero is basically that imagination. This spider robot is designed to be small enough to reach all nook and cranny of the land, but big enough to make the farming process as effective as possible.

Depending on the type, the robot may have separate uses or able to till, plant, tend, and harvest at once. As Prospero is built around productivity, each unit also able to send ultrasonic Pings to one another to communicate whether the area needs more help or not.

• Get A Robot For A Task From Greentech
This one won’t look like an actual spider, but it’s still very useful otherwise. Instead of roaming machines, Greentech designed different types of robots for specific farming needs. The needs are separated into three types: seeding, weeding, and harvesting. Depending on the unit type, the machine may be able to work on its own or needs a human assistant. Otherwise, these autonomous and semi-autonomous machines are designed for easy control. They can be calibrated and organized using smartphones and work under all weather.

• This HEXA will Chase The Sun For Your Plant
Ok, what about a spider robot type that can be used in homes? Well, HEXA units from Vincross is definitely a good choice. Still related to plants, Vincross currently developing a HEXA model that allows a plant to sit on top of it. Then, as a smart pot, the model will move around and geet the plant the necessary sunlight intake it needs. The project also planned the model to be interactive. So far, Vincross had shared a model that can play with humans and express certain emotions through movement to show us what the plant needs (for example, the model will appear upset when the plant is thirsty.)

Plants may not be as interactive as another living being, but that doesn’t mean they will stay boring. These spider robots, for example, successfully made plant-caring more interesting yet convenient than ever before. Soon, much other technology advancements will follow these spiders. Stay tuned!

Computer Development in Robotic Field

Computer Development in Robotic Field

Computer Development in Robotic Field – In modern times such as today the development of computers in various fields is very rapid, especially in the world of robot whose programming is done using computers. Various types of robots are created for various purposes. Not only in the industrial world, where robots are used to help speed up work in factories. entertainment, such as children’s toys, the development of robots is also very rapid. various forms of robots, especially more insect shapes are made.

For some people, spiders are frightening insects / animals, but some people like spiders especially when associated with Spiderman hero superheroes. According to the recent Trossen Robotics forum there is a spider robot named Spider Bot which is driven by the Axon micro controller where the robot can lift the load 2 times heavier than its size. This application also allows the spider robot to move so that it can synchronously move six legs simultaneously like an original spider. The next additional feature is to put the sensor on the foot and connect it to the remote control. This Spider Robot looks so big and it makes the fur stand up. But calm, this spider robot is not dangerous.

Besides that, do you still remember with a 5 cm sized grasshopper robot that is able to jump like a superhero but has difficulty in landing? The robot is known as Robo Hopper, in the past it was still in a standard state so everything was still in testing. this, researchers in Switzerland have learned the shortcomings of previous robot experiments. With more confidence, they have now tried to add wings & signal lights to the Robo Hopper. With this addition, it appears to be seen as a mickroglider capable of operating on its own, a Wannabe locus that is able to identify light sources and fly into the light, an action known as phototaxis which will make about as smart as the various insects that are on the ground. everything is designed as closely as possible, and in its development can just attach a camera to existing robotic devices and use it to help find disaster areas for survivors. This robot is also developed by the site by funding the research.

At present there are also many robots that are developed with systems that are sophisticated and easy to use. Some even can do their own work automatically. The robot world should have been developed with a large investment value because in the future robots can be used to replace human uses in dealing with something dangerous. Robots will also be more efficient in doing something productive.

The History of Robots in the World

The History of Robots in the World

The development of robotics was initially not from electronic disciplines but came from biological scientists and authors of novel stories and drama shows around the eighteenth century. Biological scientists at that time wanted to create creatures that had the characteristics they wanted and obeyed everything they ordered, and until now the creatures they created never materialized into reality, but matrak became material in novels and stage plays or film.

It was only around the XIX century that robots began to be developed by engineering engineers, at that time armed with mechanical expertise to make their mechanical clocks make artificial human dolls that could move on parts of their bodies. In 1920 robots began to develop from electronic science disciplines, more specifically at the branch of study of electronic disciplines, namely automatic control techniques, but in those days the computer was the main component of a robot that was used to manage input data from sensors and actuator controls yet having the capability of rapid commutation in addition to the physical size of the computer at that time was still quite large.

Intelligent robots began to grow rapidly as computers evolved around the 1950s. With the increasing speed of computer computing capabilities and the smaller physical size, The Robots that are made increasingly have good enough intelligence to do the work that is usually done by human beings. At the beginning of its creation, computers as a counting tool, the development of programming algorithms made computers an instrumentation that had capabilities like the human brain.

Artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence is a programming algorithm that makes computers have intelligence like humans who are able to reason, draw conclusions and decisions based on their experience. Now, there are many kinds of robots that developed with different specifications. It can be wheel, legs and many more.

Spider Fire Extinguisher Robot
Concept Prototypes

Spider Fire Extinguisher Robot

The development of robotics technology, the role of robots has become increasingly significant in various fields of science and human life. The word “robot” in the Chska language, means “worker” is indeed created to facilitate human work. One of them was made by UGM Mechanical Engineering students, namely Damar Satrio and Bachtian Chandra who created a robot to extinguish fires.

One member of the study, Bachtian Chandra, explained that the background of creating a fire robot is because, along with the world trend of robotics in Indonesia, which is currently developing rapidly, the idea is to create robots that are useful in extinguishing fires. “Seeing the positive impact of the development of the robotics world, we made a team that came from various knowledge disciplines to further explore the knowledge,” he said.

A glance at the design of the fire extinguisher robot is similar to a spider animal, with a sturdy body and equipped with six legs that support the robot’s body, so that it is a perfect design. The purpose of creating this fire extinguisher robot, which is a robot in charge of finding and extinguishing the fire in a room and a specified time. The robot is equipped with water spray and the fan propeller is expected to quickly find and turn off the fire. The hope they want is fruitful. Fire extinguisher robot won first place in the best design and algorithm regional in the National Robot Contest. This is because the robot they created can quickly find and turn off the fire, which is in three trials, and can master the arena used during the match. The superiority of this robot besides being able to extinguish the fire, it can also detect the presence of fire through room temperature. Because the robot is equipped with a sensor.

Some Problems That Scientists Have to Deal with the Spider Robot
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Some Problems That Scientists Have to Deal with the Spider Robot

Problem is one thing that many people have to deal with every single day. This one is also applied to the spider robot, one of the best crawling robot that you can find on this modern times. For your information, the scientists that have been developing this kind of robot also have to deal with many different problems. However, there are some major problems that they have to deal with related with the further development of the spider robot. Here are some of those problems.

The first one is the skilful workers. You cannot deny that making a robot is not something easy. It is something complicated. Because of that reason, the skilful workers are needed to create one. If you think that you will only need few skilled workers to think about the whole manufacturing process, you are totally wrong. All of the people who are in touch with the creation or the manufacture of the robot needs to have their own qualifications. That means not all of the people are able to work on this kind of field, unless they are truly qualified. The second problem is the price of the equipments. This one is another thing that they have to deal. That is because if they want to create a new robot, then they have to use the newest and latest equipments. That is not something cheap. Of course, they can simply use the older technologies and equipments, but the result might not be able to fulfill the demand for the newly developed robot. That is why they need a lot of money to get those new equipments and technologies to develop the spider robots that have been found nowadays.

The last one is the safety of the workers itself. Of course, most of the things are automatic and those things are done by the robots. However, that does not mean human is compromised. There are still many parts where human needs to get in touch with the manufacturing process. That means the safety of the human who compromised with the robotic machine is still not sure. Even though there have been quite a lot of safety procedures and features installed on those machineries, it is still becoming one problem that they have to deal with. Those are some of the problems that all of those scientists from have to deal with when they are developing the spider robot into the better one.

Challenges in Making a Better Six Legged Robots
Concept Prototypes

Challenges in Making a Better Six Legged Robots

The six-legged robot has been invented some years ago. However, the development of this robot does not stop there. That is because there are still a lot of scientists who tried to develop this kind of robot into the better-looking one. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of challenges that they have to deal with when they want to create the better six-legged robot for the future. Here are some of those challenges that they have to deal related with the development project of the six legged robots.

The first one is the material that they have to use to manufacture the robot. Of course, they are using a kind of metal material, but they did not stop there. That is because there are a lot of different metal materials that they can use to manufacture the robot. As an addition to that, they are still trying to find the best material based on the need of the robot itself. The second challenge is the power that will support the robot. This is one of the greatest challenge that they have to deal with. That is because the six-legged robots will be used for some different purposes. That means the energy source of the robot is becoming something vital. They need to find something efficient that can last for a long time. However, the size should be small because the six-legged robot itself is not that big.

The third challenge is the navigation and exploration of the robot. Since this one is the six-legged robot, the navigation and exploration of this robot is not an issue. At least, the challenge is not as big as the others are. The main reason is because this six-legged robot can easily explore many different terrains with the minimum support. The last but not least is the Artificial Intelligence of the robot. This is one thing that simply differentiates robot and remote control. That is because you need the AI technology so that the robot can simply think based on the program that you give. If you are controlling the robot from some far away, that is not a robot. That is a remote controlled machine. That is why until this time the AI for the robot is still being developed until the stage where the AI is fully functional just like what all of those scientists wanted it to be. This one is the toughest challenges that they have to deal.
